Continuing His Streak As Las Vegas’ Hottest Export, Zotiyac Untethers His Daring New Mixtape

For the last four-to-five years, the Hip-Hop scene in Las Vegas, Nevada has started to carve it’s own lane in the industry. Boasting exports like Richie Bux, Trade Voorhees, Mixey PX and more — Sin City has gradually started catching steam, culminating with it’s inclusion in rising streaming service, Audiomack’s wildly popular Hometown Heroes series. But perhaps the most intriguing artist has been Missouri-to-Las Vegas transfer, Zotiyac. After carving more than a million streams on his Soundcloud page — and probably double that if you include YouTube — the rising star unleashes his impressive new mixtape, Show’n Tail.
At 14-tracks, it would be easy to scoff at this project, not knowing who it is, and thinking 14-tracks means a long, drawn out collection of songs. Wrong. Instead, each song serves as it’s completely own vibe, creating a special feeling and experience for each record, buoyed by standout tracks, “Marvelous,” and, “London Lipton.” The former, produced by sshmody, sees Yac jump outside of his normal cadence for a bit. Instead of firing off bone-shattering bars at light-speed, as he’s known for, he opts for a more calculated approach, calmly carving up the competition with such ease that it feels like he’s just shooting a free throw — not throwing down a windmill on our heads. As for the latter record, “London Lipton,” this is where we see Yac at his most comfortable self, letting off bar-after-bar at a speed that might be hard to digest, but once you do, you find yourself needing another listen, or five.
Take a listen to Show’n Tail below and be sure to get familiar with the rising star before the bandwagon is too full.