Salt Lake City Rapper, Snicks Heads to Las Vegas in His Intriguing New Video.

Traditionally, Salt Lake City, Utah isn’t known for its’ Hip-Hop acumen. Despite this, the city has produced started producing a few intriguing prospects like Vinnie Cassius & producer, Will Stellar. Looking to break through to the masses and deliver the city some shine, rising rapper, Snicks checks in with his new video for, “DREAM.”
Shot by WillyP Visuals, the video for, “DREAM,” varies locations between an apartment, and the Las Vegas Strip. Utilizing a simpler time when people could go outside, Snicks & his crew roam throughout the city soundtracked to his own infectious style. Buoyed by clever one-liners and impressive melodic direction, Snicks proves his prowess as a vocalist on here, making for an intriguing record.
Serving as the intro to his recently released project, Nights in the Nine 2 you can expect to see more heat coming from the Salt Lake native in the near future. Until then, press play on the video below.