Indiana Artists, Kelso Melrose & D’AllanVibez Unveil Their Fun New Joint Project

Joint projects can either can really good, or really bad — not many times have we seen them just middle out. In order to make a really good one, it takes more than just both the artists being talented, as they have to fit together musically and at least semi-fuck with each other personally for it to work. Checking all of the boxes and then some, Evansville, Indiana natives Kelso Melrose and D’AllanVibez check in with their wildly fun new joint project, she just wanna have fun ❤❤❤.
Clocking in at only 4-tracks, the project is at a perfect run-time for it’s content. Relying on infectious melodies, towering synths and quirky lyrics to lead the way, Kelso and D’Allan seamless bounce off of one another and at times, sound like one in the same. While that may be a problem in other cases, in this case, it’s a positive, as it allows for the 4-songs to flow more eloquently. With this project serving as the first to put the duo on our radar, we hope to see more from them in the future.
Take a listen to the project below and get familiar with Evansville’s finest.