Get Familiar With Rising Rapper Docman & His Engaging New Video For, “101st Song”

Any relationship worth having is without a doubt hard work, and when those relationships happen to end, it feels like losing a piece of you. Hailing from Houston by way of New York City, rising artist Docman understands this notion all too well. After going through a tumultuous break up with his ex, Doc has spent the last few years channeling that hurt and disappointment into his burgeoning career as a promising lyricist. Utilizing his music as a type of therapy, he checks into our pages for the first time with his introspective new video for, “101st Song.”
Filmed in Baltimore near his Aunt’s house, “101st Song,” is an engaging record that serves as the intro to Doc’s New Hyghts album. Throughout the record, Doc ponders over the pros and cons of his relationship over smooth production from Bandit Luce. Speaking about relatable notions such as respect, love and persevering through the rough times, Doc does a brilliant job of capturing the reflective nature that hits you when you’re amidst a crossroads in your relationship. The video does a great job of bringing everything full circle, as Doc leaves a photoshoot to meet up with his woman, where we then see an array of emotions portrayed on the screen, both good and bad, depicting the up and down nature of most relationships.
Be sure to take a peek at the video below and get familiar with Docman, who’s New Hyghts album is a refreshing treat.