Atlanta Songstress, Payton Debuts Her Engaging New EP

One of my favorite things that happens in music is coming across some great new music, by accident. Sometimes, it could be from letting your Spotify run after your favorite album ends, other times, it could be during a quick trip to the coffee shop where they play something you just HAVE to Shazaam. For me, this morning, I came across Atlanta singer, Payton, the way I do a lot of artists… browsing Twitter. After a co-sign from one of my favorite follows — shoutout Marc Gianni — I pressed play on her new EP, Selfless and was completely captivated.
At only 5-tracks and clocking out at a 15-minute run time, Selfless runs like a spiritually fulfilling appetizer. Meaning, it doesn’t get you too full, and you still want your dinner, but it’s so good that you’re not worried about the Chef taking a bit longer than usual with your penne pasta. (Think Cheesecake Factory’s brown bread.) Buoyed by the standout tracks, “Narcotic” and “Show Me,” Selfless sees Payton showcasing a very polished pen, as well as an understanding for melodic progression, something that ends up hindering many young R&B artists.
Her genius is also in her artistic duality. Using the two previously mentioned songs as examples, “Show Me” sounds like a bonafide chart-ready radio single, while, “Narcotic” sounds so exotic and unique, that it almost sounds like another person.
Take a listen to the EP below and get familiar with Atlanta’s newest product.