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Ascending Lyricist, Qwest Shimar Delivers His Introspective New Video

Often times in Hip-Hop, we try to box people into a sonic lane that they may or may not have even considered. We do it all of the time with, “Soundcloud Rap” and, “Boom Bap,” most notably. Despite this nonsense, the most talented artists consistently break free of those shackles and are able to spread their wings, creatively. Almost immediately, it will be easy to cast off rising rapper, Qwest Shamar in the, “Boom Bap” category, but while really paying attention to his new video for, “Higher Frequencies,” you can see the talent spans beyond our labels.
As mentioned, due to his lyrical content and production choice, Qwest will be frequently referred to as a nostalgic artist. While he does have some of those qualities, the potential genius in his music comes with the fact that he doesn’t sound like a ’90s rapper. Instead, he sounds like a ’90s baby who’s utilizing his influences to create the exact type of music he wants to hear. And in the end, isn’t that genius in itself?
Press play on the video below and get familiar with Qwest Shamar.